Sunday, December 22, 2013

Semester One: Complete!! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Hello everyone!!

This past week I finished my fourth sequence, which means....I have completed my first semester as an exchange student here in France!! Holy crap...where has the time gone?!

I had another presentation to give for my last class, and our group rocked! Then we took the final on Thursday and for the first time, I am positive that I did really well.  That was a good way to end semester one.  That night, some friends and I went out to eat raclette to celebrate.  This is a French cuisine.  You melt cheese in a little fire and put it over your food.  It was very good!  We had some drinks and went back to Ale's to hang out.  We had some good laughs and then went to a club where most of the exchange students were going to party that night as our last big event, and so we could all say goodbye!  It was a fantastic day, I laughed harder than I have in a long time, made a lot of memories, and by the end of the night we all had had so much alcohol, just walking was a serious project.  But man did we have fun!

Now I am sitting in my room, all packed and ready to go!  I am writing this and reflecting on the last four months of my life.  It is truly incredible how much my time here has changed and living here is now normal.  (Don't worry, not that I am going to stay, but in the sense that I am no longer completely lost!)  I have learned so much about myself, life, how to survive, France, business, and the world in general.  

Saying goodbye to friends these last few days has proven to be very difficult, especially with having a high probability of saying goodbye forever.  We all came here, most of us in very similar situations, and immediately friendships were born.  We were in a foreign place, without friends and family, so the other exchange students you are with really become family.  You lean on one another, support one another, and really mature together.  We have vowed to keep in touch and have made plans to visit each other and travel the world!

I leave for the airport in about an hour!  (So this post is going to be a lot shorter than I had wanted...I have so much to say!)  I fly out of Bordeaux and then go to Madrid, London, and then Chicago.  It is going to be quite the day, but soon enough I will finally be home!  I am super super excited to see family and friends! I have missed everyone so much and wouldn't have been able to do this without them.  I cannot thank everyone enough for all of their love, support, and kind words.  I AM JUST SO EXCITED TO COME HOME!!

Thank you everyone for reading, and for most of you, I will see you very very soon!

Joyeux Noel! (Merry Christmas)


"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.  The other is as though everything is a miracle."
-Albert Einstein 

"It's okay to be homesick.  It means you come from a good home.  There are plenty who would envy that."
-Downton Abbey

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